If you have recently heard about working for Takl, you might be wondering what the requirements are for being a Takl provider. In this post I will lay out the requirements to work for Takl. If you do meet the requirements it is a pretty simple process to get started.


Here are the detailed requirements to become a Takl provider:


  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Go to a mandatory orientation
  • Have your own bank account (it is a good idea to have a business bank account for this)
  • Transportation to get you to the job sites 
  • A smartphone (the app will work on tablets but smartphones are recommended, app works on Apple and Android platforms)
  • Knowledge of the skill (chore) you are offering
  • Pass a background check


How extensive is the background check? Does the Takl Background Check look at only your state or nationwide?

Takl uses Checkr for their background checks. Checkr background checks are nationwide and look at:

  • Social Security Number Verification
  • Sex offender registries
  • Global watchlist search
  • National criminal search
  • county/locality criminal searches


Also remember that you will be working as an independent contractor which means in most cases you will be expected to provide your own tools, and you should set yourself up as a legitimate business (because that is what you will be). Click here for a comprehensive guide to setting up your own business.


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